Preview of Vulture’s upcoming web filtering engine
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Information on this media
We are the creators of the VultureProject, an Open Source HTTP reverse-proxy that ensures the security of web applications. Built on top of open-source technologies such as Apache, FreeBSD, HA-Proxy and MongoDB, Vulture’s basic features are: network firewall, TCP and HTTP proxy balancing, user authentication, web application firewall, TLS endpoint, content rewriting and many other cool things. Currently based on ModSecurity, ModDefender and custom algorithms (including machine learning), the VultureProject Team wants to push innovation even further by creating an all new, fully modular, standalone and open-source intelligent web application firewall engine. No longer based on rules, this engine will be able to understand, dissect and analyze with a lot of finesse every request and response sent; you will no longer need to spend hours of configuration, simply activate the filters you need and let our algorithms learn by themselves and protect your web applications. During the talk, we will focus on this new WAF (Web Application Firewall) engine, explaining why we need to rethink web applications security today, how we are conceiving this new solution, how we are building it and how we think it will solve some issues faced daily by our teams and by our community.
Jérémie Jourdin
Jérémie is CTO at aDvens and the co-founder of Vulture, an Open-Source Web application firewall. He has more than 17 years of professional experience in penetration testing and architecture security design. Jérémie is the architect of aDvens’ Security Operation Center based on Open Source technologies and artificial intelligence concepts. Jérémie’s favorite playground is made of FreeBSD, Apache, HAProxy, MongoDB, Elastic, Python, Arduino, Raspberry and much more….
Hugo Soszynski
Hi ! I’m Hugo, code and Unix lover from a very young age, I quickly became an open-source enthusiast. Always hungry to learn more and to make things better, safer, faster and stronger, I contribute to projects like Rsyslog. Guys, I hope you’ll never forget to write in C and see you soon on the Internet.
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