Why cyberoffense will never be regulated
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Despite strong public statements that they want "a safer internet for everyone", many states appear to be double-dealing in the cyber-space and engage in the very activities they discourage. In order to convince decision-makers to genuinely discuss acceptable behavior in the cyberspace, we need to give up on moral arguments and focus on pragmatic reasons to favor defense. But the incentives towards offense may just be too strong.
An OSCP and OSCE-certified penetration tester and malware analyst working as a Senior Security Researcher in the Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT) at Kaspersky Lab since 2018. Also delivers Kaspersky’s reverse-engineering trainings in Europe. Ivan maintains an open-source dissection tool for Windows executables and his research was presented during several cybersecurity conferences. As a digital privacy activist, he also operates an exit node of the Tor network.
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